Process in Bituminous Road Construction

1. Planning of the current base course layer

The current surface is set up by evacuating the pot gaps or rust assuming any. The inconsistencies are filled in with premix chippings no less than seven days before laying surface course. On the off chance that the current asphalt is amazingly way, a bituminous leveling course of sufficient thickness is given to lay a bituminous concrete surface course on a cover course rather than straightforwardly laying it on a WBM.

2. Utilization of Tuck Coat

It is effective to lay AC layer over a bituminous base or cover course. A tack layer of bitumen is connected at 6.0 to 7.5 kg for every 10 square meter area, this amount might be expanded to 7.5 to 10 kg for non-bituminous base.

3. Readiness and putting of Premix

The premix is set up in a hot mix plant of a required limit with the coveted quality control. The bitumen might be warmed up to 150 – 177 deg C and the total temperature ought not vary by more than 14 deg C from the folio temperature. The hot mixed material is gathered from the mixture by the transporters, conveyed to the area is spread by a mechanical paver at a temperature of 121 to 163 deg C. the camber and the thickness of the layer are precisely confirmed. The control of the temperatures amid the mixing and the compaction are of extraordinary noteworthiness in the quality of the subsequent asphalt structure.

4. Rolling

A mix after it is set on the base course is altogether compacted by moving at a speed not more than 5km every hour.

The underlying or the breakdown rolling is finished by 8 to 12 tons roller and the halfway rolling is finished with a settled wheel pneumatic roller of 15 to 30 tons having a tire weight of 7kg for every the wheels of the roller are kept sodden with water.

The quantity of passes required relies on upon the thickness of the layer. In warm climate moving on the following day, expands the thickness if the underlying rolling was not satisfactory. The last rolling or completing is finished by 8 to 10 tons’ pair roller.

Tandem Roller - Road Construction

5. Quality control of bituminous solid development

The standard looks at are conveyed at site to guarantee the nature of the subsequent asphalt mixture and the pavement surface.

Periodical checks are made for

an) Aggregate reviewing

b) Grade of bitumen

c) Temperature of the aggregate

d) Temperature of clearing mix amid mixing and compaction.

No less than one specimen for each 100 tons of the mix released by the hot mix plant is gathered and tried for above necessities. Marshall tests are additionally directed. For each 100 square meter of the compacted surface, one trial of the field thickness is led to check whether it is at least 95% of the thickness got in the research facility. The variety in the thickness permitted is 6mm for every 4.5m length of development.

6. Completed surface:

Road Construction - Finishing

The AC surface ought to be checked by a 3.0 m straight edge. The longitudinal undulations ought not surpass 8.0 mm and the quantity of undulations higher than 6.0 mm ought not surpass 10 in a length of 300 m. The cross-traffic profile ought not have undulations surpassing 4.0mm.