Bre building elements foundations, basements and external works

Records of failures and faults in buildings 2
BRE Defects Database records 2
BRE publications on foundations, basements and external works 4
Changes in construction practice over the years – a historical note 6
Summary of main changes in common practice since the 1950s 11
Building user requirements in the third millenium

Geology and topography 17
1.2 Fill, contaminated land, methane and radon 43
1.3 Surface water drainage requirements, water tables and groundwater 57
1.4 Site microclimates; windbreaks etc 62
1.5 The effects of vegetation on the ground

Water supply 158
4.2 Wastewater drainage 162
4.3 Surface water drainage, soakaways and flood storage 185
4.4 Other utilities